The Wind Energy Industry is involved with the design, manufacture, construction, and maintenance of wind turbines for the purpose of generating a renewable energy.


    The Solar Energy Industry utilizes radiant light and heat from the sun harnessed using a range of ever-evolving technologies such as solar heating, photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, solar architecture and artificial photosynthesis.


    The Marine Energy Industry encompasses both wave power i.e. power from surface waves, and tidal power i.e. obtained from the kinetic energy of large bodies of moving water.

ARESCA is a 501(c)(6) Corporation organized primarily to provide information, administration and education services in support of renewable energy standards and conformity assessment.

ARESCA’s mission is to provide cost-efficient, timely, and clear administrative functions for our members comprising the US Renewable Energy Standards community. Administrative functions include Secretariat duties and standards development organization (SDO) functions. Our goal is to make participants involvement in Standards simple, easy and facilitate harmonization of US Renewable Energy Standards and Conformity Assessment Schemes with international organizations such as the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).


News and Events

ARESCA calls for wind energy experts to support the national adoption of industry standards

The American Renewable Energy Standards and Certification Association (ARESCA) is calling for experts who are directly and materially affected parties...

ARESCA has recently received approval to publish US national adoptions of IEC standards

  The following publications are now available for sale:   ANSI/ARESCA 61400-3-1 Design requirements for fixed offshore wind turbines ANSI/ARESCA...

ARESCA Announces Why Standards and Certification Is Important

The American Renewable Energy Standards and Certification Association (ARESCA), is a Vermont non-profit Section 50l(c)(6) organization formed in 2015 to foster renewable energy standards and...

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ARESCA submits a proposal to administer the USNC for IECRE

ARESCA submitted a proposal to ANSI (American national Standards Institute) to provide administrative services as the Secretariat for the US National Committee of IECRE. The...

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First Certificate Under the IECRE System is Issued to VESTAS

The first turbine certificate under the new IECRE (International Electrotechnical Commission Renewable Energy) system was issued on October 27 by certification body DNV GL for...

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Become a Member

ARESCA’s mission is to provide cost-efficient, timely, and clear administrative functions for our members comprising the US Renewable Energy Standards community. Administrative functions include Secretariat duties and standards development organization (SDO) functions. Our goal is to make participants involvement in Standards simple, easy and facilitate harmonization of US Renewable Energy Standards and Conformity Assessment Schemes with international organizations such as the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). ARESCA accepts membership from those who are looking to promote the renewable energy industry. You too can support us in our mission.


ARESCA welcomes corporate contributions from all stakeholders in the renewable energy industry. This includes equipment manufacturers, project developers, engineering firms, installers and contractors, owners and operators, and financial service and insurance organizations. You can support ARESCA in the efficient administration of standards development and certification processes with a contribution (which may be tax deductible).


ARESCA welcomes all individuals who are interested in promoting and supporting renewable energy. ARESCA provides efficient administration of standards development and certification processes for renewables. You can support ARESCA with a contribution (which may be tax deductible).