USNC-IECRE Open Ballots – All USNC-IECRE members eligible to vote will receive a ballot by e-mail. Please register your vote through the ballot link. A second e-mail (sent immediately after you vote) will contain a link to change your vote.

USNC Voting

REMC/1225A/DV: Updated Document for Vote: To approve the AD Merger and Maintenance (Closes 17-Mar)

NOTE: USNC/IECRE ballots are to be submitted within thirty days to allow for resolution of any comments prior to the IEC deadline. Any comments must be submitted on the IEC commenting form by return email to the Secretary one week prior to the closing date, to allow for compilation and resolution of US comments. Please … Continue reading REMC/1225A/DV: Updated Document for Vote: To approve the AD Merger and Maintenance (Closes 17-Mar)

REMC/1220/DV: Document for Vote: To approve the request to develop new ODs & ADs (Closes 3-Mar)

NOTE: USNC/IECRE ballots are to be submitted within thirty days to allow for resolution of any comments prior to the IEC deadline. Any comments must be submitted on the IEC commenting form by return email to the Secretary one week prior to the closing date, to allow for compilation and resolution of US comments. Please … Continue reading REMC/1220/DV: Document for Vote: To approve the request to develop new ODs & ADs (Closes 3-Mar)

REMC/1219/DV: Document for vote: Draft OD-551-25 ed.1.0 (Closes 3-Mar)

NOTE: USNC/IECRE ballots are to be submitted within thirty days to allow for resolution of any comments prior to the IEC deadline. Any comments must be submitted on the IEC commenting form by return email to the Secretary one week prior to the closing date, to allow for compilation and resolution of US comments. Please … Continue reading REMC/1219/DV: Document for vote: Draft OD-551-25 ed.1.0 (Closes 3-Mar)

US/RE/53/DV: Approval of USNC/IECRE membership for EDF Renewables (Closes 16-Feb)

According to the USNC/IECRE Rules of Procedure, membership of U.S. National interested parties shall be approved by the USNC/IECRE by a majority vote of at least two-thirds of the voting members. Voting members are requested to approve the membership application.

REMC/1215/DV: Document for Vote: Proposed ToR for WG 012 “Assessment experience exchange” (Closes 16-Feb)

NOTE: USNC/IECRE ballots are to be submitted within thirty days to allow for resolution of any comments prior to the IEC deadline. Any comments must be submitted on the IEC commenting form by return email to the Secretary one week prior to the closing date, to allow for compilation and resolution of US comments. Please … Continue reading REMC/1215/DV: Document for Vote: Proposed ToR for WG 012 “Assessment experience exchange” (Closes 16-Feb)

USNC-IECRE Closed Ballots – refer to Voting Results page [] or My Voting History page []