USNC-IECRE Open Ballots – All USNC-IECRE members eligible to vote will receive a ballot by e-mail. Please register your vote through the ballot link. A second e-mail (sent immediately after you vote) will contain a link to change your vote.

USNC Voting

REMC/1164/DV: To approve of the Initial assessment report for RECTF Bladeworks srl (Closes 1-Nov)

NOTE: USNC/IECRE ballots are to be submitted within thirty days to allow for resolution of any comments prior to the IEC deadline.

REMC/1162/DV: Document for Vote: To approve CSH 033 (Closes 23-Oct)

NOTE: USNC/IECRE ballots are to be submitted within thirty days to allow for resolution of any comments prior to the IEC deadline.

REMC/1159/DV: Document for Vote: To approve CSH 035 (Closes 19-Oct)

NOTE: USNC/IECRE ballots are to be submitted within thirty days to allow for resolution of any comments prior to the IEC deadline.

USNC-IECRE Closed Ballots – refer to Voting Results page [] or My Voting History page []