BECOME A CONTRIBUTING COMPANY/ORGANIZATION – ARESCA welcomes corporate contributions from all stakeholders in the renewable energy industry. This includes equipment manufacturers, project developers, engineering firms, installers and contractors, owners and operators, and financial service and insurance organizations. You can support ARESCA in the efficient administration of standards development and certification processes with a contribution (which may be tax deductible).
BECOME A CONTRIBUTING INDIVIDUAL PARTNER – ARESCA welcomes all individuals who are interested in promoting and supporting renewable energy. ARESCA provides efficient administration of standards development and certification processes for renewables. You can support ARESCA with a contribution (which may be tax deductible).
JOIN THE STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT EFFORT– Standards are developed by expert volunteers with the support of their employers. If you are an expert in the renewable energy industry, consider joining the relevant US Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for IEC TC 82 (Solar), IEC TC 88 (Wind) or IEC TC 114 (Marine):
JOIN THE CERTIFICATION PROCESS – The 3rd party verification of conformity to standards is important and the IECRE supports certification to standards developed by TC 82, TC 88 and TC 114. Membership in the USNC/IECRE is by organization; please contact the USNC/IECRE Secretary for further details:
CONTACT US – If you have any questions regarding ARESCA, standards or the certification process, please send us an e-mail with contact information and we will contact you.