TC-88 Open Ballots – All TC-88 Wind members eligible to vote will receive a ballot by e-mail. Please register your vote through the ballot link. A second e-mail (sent immediately after you vote) will contain a link to change your vote.

TC88 Voting

88/1047/Q: Approval of revision works and transforming IEC TS 61400-30 from Technical Specification (TS) to a Standard (IS) (Closes 10-Oct)

Please submit any nominations for new members of MT 30 to the TAG Secretary. Any comments must be submitted on the IEC commenting form by return email to the TAG Secretary one week prior to the closing date, to allow for compilation and resolution of US comments. Please request commenting forms from the TAG Secretary … Continue reading 88/1047/Q: Approval of revision works and transforming IEC TS 61400-30 from Technical Specification (TS) to a Standard (IS) (Closes 10-Oct)

88/1046/NP: PNW PAS 88-1046 ED1: Wind Energy Generation Systems – Part 60-1: Validation of computations models for loads and power performance (Closes 16-Sep)

Any comments must be submitted on the IEC commenting form by return email to the TAG Secretary one week prior to the closing date, to allow for compilation and resolution of US comments. Please request commenting forms from the TAG Secretary ([email protected])

88/1044/Q: Call for a new convener of MT 23, Full-scale structural testing of rotor blades (Closes 18-Sep)

NOTE: US TAG ballots are to be submitted prior to the IEC deadline to allow for resolution of any comments. Please request commenting forms from the TAG Secretary ([email protected])

TC-88 Wind Closed Ballots – refer to Voting Results page [] or My Voting History page []