Founded in 1906, the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is the world’s leading organization for the preparation and publication of International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies. These are known collectively as “electrotechnology”.
In the renewable energy industry IEC standards have helped to guide the safe and reliable design, manufacture, and deployment of wind turbine generators, solar PV equipment and marine energy generators. This is done through participation of companies, industries, governments and other stakeholders in meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.
All IEC International Standards are fully consensus-based and represent the needs of these key stakeholders of every nation participating in IEC work. Every participating member country, no matter how large or small, has one vote and a say in what goes into an IEC International Standard.
In the United States, the US National Committee (USNC) of the IEC is administered by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). For each of the IEC Technical Committees in which the US participates, the USNC appoints a Technical Advisor and an Administrator to organize this US participation. Participants in this work are members of a group of stakeholders and experts called the Technical Advisory Group (TAG). Standards development work requires a certain amount of administrative coordination, which is the role of the organization serving as the Administrator.
ARESCA offers a platform for information and interaction for United States companies, industries and governments as they participate in IEC standards development. ARESCA will offer to support IEC committees focused on renewable energy by offering an information platform, and providing cost effective secretariat and administrative service.
For further details on IEC activities in various technologies please refer to the renewable technology pages.
ARESCA offers a platform for information exchange and coordination for United States renewable energy stakeholders as they participate in IEC standards development. ARESCA will also offer efficient and cost effective Administrator services to support IEC Technical Committees and the corresponding US TAGs that are focused on renewable energy technologies.
Posted on 19 Jul, 2024
The American Renewable Energy Standards and Certification Association (ARESCA) is calling for experts who are directly and materially affected parties who are interested in participating as a member of an...
Posted on 23 Mar, 2023
The following publications are now available for sale: ANSI/ARESCA 61400-3-1 Design requirements for fixed offshore wind turbines ANSI/ARESCA 61400-3-2 Design requirements for floating offshore wind turbines ANSI/ARESCA 61400-5...
Posted on 17 Mar, 2021
Click below to download the USTAG Meeting Presentations for Meeting of March 9, 2021. TC88_USTAG_09Mar2021
Click below to download the USTAG Meeting Presentations for Meeting of March 9, 2021. TC88_USTAG_09Mar2021
The following publications are now available for sale: ANSI/ARESCA 61400-3-1 Design requirements for fixed offshore wind turbines ANSI/ARESCA 61400-3-2 Design requirements for floating offshore wind turbines ANSI/ARESCA 61400-5...
The American Renewable Energy Standards and Certification Association (ARESCA) is calling for experts who are directly and materially affected parties who are interested in participating as a member of an...