ARESCA has recently received approval to publish US national adoptions of IEC standards
Posted on 23 Mar, 2023 By Editorial Team in Category General, IEC, USNC-IECRE

The following publications are now available for sale:
- ANSI/ARESCA 61400-3-1 Design requirements for fixed offshore wind
turbines - ANSI/ARESCA 61400-3-2 Design requirements for floating offshore wind
turbines - ANSI/ARESCA 61400-5 Wind turbine blades
- ANSI/ARESCA 61400-12 series: Power performance measurements of electricity
producing wind turbines - ANSI/ARESCA 61400-25 series: Communications for monitoring and control
of wind power plants - ANSI/ARESCA 61400-50 series: Wind measurement
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